Monday, April 14, 2008

Desert 40 - Full Version!!!

Photo taken in Morocco by Andrew Yung

*****Based on bible Numbers and Deuteronomy *****
*******Use your heart to feel. Use your ear to listen. ********
Use your sense to touch!!


Based on Bible Numbers and Deuteronomy

Desert 40 describes how God in parting with Moses to rescue his people from the hand of the Egyptians' army. Moses brought them into a promised land with 40 years suffering in dry land. Their journey began in according to Numbers chapter 33. The forty years was God's punishment for the distrust of Israelites.

First movement (Israelites’ Road) - Track 1
The first movement is about the 40 years journey of Israelites. During the journey, they were suffering from thirsty and hungry. Then in section C, God listened their prayer and gave them manna and water. In the main time, they had to fight as well.

Second movement (God’s love in Promised Land) -
Track 1 (9'09)

They reached the Promised Land. Soprano solo and Baritone solo sing about what they see in Promised Land and what vowed of God is? I used the two flutes to instead of people sing at that moement.

Third movement (Joyful Soul) - Track 2
The third movement is describing the joyful soul of Israelites and end with triumph.


Lyricist in second movement: quie (start from 10'26)

Bar: Finally we are here, after all these years, faithfully He brought us to this promised
S: Look! Can you believe?
S+Bar: Flowing milk and honey.
Bar: Fruits! And fields’ and vineyards,
S+Bar: Look around and see
S+Bar: Rock and rills rejoice
S: Sing, let us all sing
Bar: Could we not lift our voice?
S+Bar: Hopes and dreams are fulfilled now. Love is what he vowed
____________________ (start from 11'47)
S+Bar: Love, this is love. See, here we stand. He brought us from Egypt to this promised

____________________ (start from 14'02)
With this endless love, past is all forgiven. Forty years in desert, this place is like

S: His Faithfulness endures.

S+Bar: With grace and mercy given, pains and wounds are cured. Our faith has now been

Composed by Cheng Po Chun

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